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بنابرین سهم هر کرت فرعی از کود مصرفی در هرنوبت۷۲۰ گرم شد.برای سایر سطوح کرت اصلی(۲۰۰ و ۳۰۰ کیلوگرم) نیز به همین صورت عمل شد.
میزان کود تعیین شده در مقداری از آب حل شد و وقتی کاملا به صورت محلول در آمد محلول پاشی انجام شد.
AS Iran is located in the zone of dry and semidry areas in the world,the nec essity of benefiting of forage plants with high degree of compatibiliti by this climate in company with high function to produce provender and the minimum use of water like sorghoum bicolor is considered more than before.
For this,an expriment was done by using of statistic plan of small patches totally randomly in 3 expriments in the summer in2010(1389).the purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of planting in density of (20000,25000,33000 hurb in hectare) and pouring the solution of urea
Nitrogen fertilizer in 4 levels of 0,100,200 and 300 kg as the main patch and density in 3 levels(20000 ,25000 and 33000 herbs in a hectar) as the
The effects of these factors on morphological and phonological features, different parts of performanc e, and growing indexes are investigated. The time of growing and becoming cluster base on 5 each plat were investigated.The maximum quantities of the height of herb and the weight of stalk in the level 4 of urea fertilizer and the level 3 of density with the amount of 253 cm and 900g in each herb were obtaind
The quantities of the maximum of leaf surface, the speed of growing was 5.6g and 79g in 1009 degree-day were of leaf surface, and theweight of leaf with 0.048 and 23g in 500 degaree-day of growing were obtained.
By increasing the density of urea fertilizer, the total dried weight,the index of leaf surface,and the speed of growing were increased and in the stage of pollination,they get to the maximum level,but then they had a decreasing procees.The maximum of total dreid wight withthe amount of 3500g/min 1150 degre-dey of grow was observed.
Key words: pouring urea solution , the density of planting, competition, the index of growing, sorghoum.
Effect of nitrogen fertilizer spraying and plant density on forage sorghum (sorghum bicolor)in kuhdasht climat
……………… A.Hatami, ph.D.ASSIST.PROF (SUPER VISOR)

موضوعات: بدون موضوع  لینک ثابت

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