Schlenker& Leary ↑


    1. Lang & Stein ↑


    1. Personality traits ↑


    1. co-exiting ↑


    1. Levinson ↑


    1. neoroticism ↑


    1. Chambless ↑


    1. Cox ↑


    1. Herbert ↑


    1. Beck & Emery ↑


    1. Perfectionism ↑


    1. Flett& Hewitt ↑


    1. Shafran ↑


    1. Frost ↑


    1. Hamachek ↑


    1. Hollender ↑


    1. Juster ↑


    1. Bandura ↑


    1. social anxiety disorder ↑


    1. Pollard & Henderson ↑


    1. Stravynski ↑


    1. Kashdan ↑


    1. Wittchen ↑


    1. Neuroticism ↑


    1. Extraversion ↑


    1. Openness to experience ↑


    1. Conscientiousness ↑


    1. Agreeableness ↑


    1. kaplan ↑


    1. Frost ↑


    1. Adaptive type ↑


    1. Dibartolo ↑


    1. Maladaptive type ↑


    1. Slaney ↑


    1. Hofmann ↑


    1. Moitra ↑


    1. Martin-santos ↑


    1. Setrahan ↑


    1. Davison ↑


    1. Eksi ↑


    1. Flett & Hewitt ↑


    1. humiliation ↑


    1. embarrassment ↑


    1. Stein & Stein ↑


    1. Clark & Wells ↑


    1. Self-focused ↑


    1. Safety behavior ↑


    1. anticipatory ↑


    1. Rapee & Heimberg ↑


    1. Hofmann & Barlow ↑


    1. Kimbrel ↑


    1. reinforcement sensitivity theory ↑


    1. fight flight freeze system ↑


    1. behavioral approach system ↑


    1. behavioral inhibition system ↑


    1. Rapee & Spence ↑


    1. Bested ↑


    1. Foster ↑


    1. Ross ↑


    1. Cattell ↑


    1. psychoanalysis ↑


    1. Karl Jung ↑


    1. Alfred Adler ↑


    1. Karen Horney ↑


    1. Erich Fromm ↑


    1. Henry Murray ↑


    1. Cognitive ↑


    1. George Kelly ↑


    1. Behaviorism ↑


    1. humanism ↑


    1. Self-actualization ↑


    1. Abraham Maslow ↑


    1. Carl Rogers ↑


    1. trait ↑


    1. Costa ↑


    1. Crae, M ↑


    1. Gosling, Rentfrow, Swannjr ↑


    1. Thomas ↑


    1. active imagination ↑


    1. Aesthetic sensitivity ↑


    1. attentiveness to inner feeling ↑


    1. Independence of judgment ↑


    1. Divergent thinking ↑


    1. disagreeable ↑


    1. antagonistic ↑


    1. Banerjee ↑


    1. Antony ↑


    1. Hamachek ↑


    1. Parker & Mills ↑


    1. Misildine ↑


    1. Ram ↑


    1. Moser ↑


    1. Adkins & Parker ↑


    1. Stump & Parker ↑


    1. orthogonal ↑


    1. Self-oriented perfectionism ↑


    1. Social-oriented perfectionism ↑


    1. Other-oriented perfectionism ↑


    1. Concern Over Mistakes ↑


    1. Doubt About Actions ↑


    1. Personal Standards ↑


    1. Parent Expectation ↑


    1. Parent criticism ↑


    1. Organization ↑


    1. Burns ↑


    1. tyranny of shoulds ↑


    1. Narcisstic ↑


    1. Arrogant-vindictive ↑


    1. Meumeister ↑


    1. Baumrind ↑


    1. demandigness ↑


    1. responsivness ↑


    1. authoritarian ↑


    1. authoritative ↑


    1. permissive ↑


    1. Maccoby & Martin ↑


    1. Rice ↑


    1. Kawamura ↑


    1. Multi dimensional perfectionism scale ↑


    1. Stober & Otto ↑


    1. Soense ↑


    1. Bowlby ↑


    1. Secure base ↑


    1. Ainsworth ↑


    1. attachment styles ↑


    1. Strange situation ↑


    1. secure ↑


    1. avoidant ↑


    1. ambivalence ↑


    1. self ↑


    1. Rice & Mirzadeh ↑


    1. Harter ↑


    1. Cognitive distortion ↑


    1. dichotomous thinking ↑


    1. Self-commands ↑


    1. Brouwers & Wiggum ↑


    1. Anne ↑


    1. Weisinger & Lobsenz ↑


    1. Egan ↑


    1. Tozzi ↑


    1. Cook & Kearney ↑


    1. emotionality ↑


    1. persistence ↑


    1. Wheeler & Ladd ↑


    1. Herbert mead ↑


    1. Charles cooley ↑


    1. Chan ↑


    1. Gore ↑


    1. Efklides ↑


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